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theme61 0.6.2

11 Dec 2023

Improved functionality
  • theme61 now requires an R version of at least 4.3.0.
  • Improvements to plot_label: now supports facetted graphs! As well as other back-end changes.
  • We now have new shades of e61 Blue Dark #10485E, Blue Light #196F91, Orange Dark #ED7F00 and Orange Light #FFC537. These changes aim to improve the contrast between colours when they are all used in the same graph.
  • Added an argument to save_e61 to fix an issue with y_top = FALSE not positioning the y-axis label correctly.
  • Change the default colour of single line graphs from black to e61 Teal Dark.
  • Changed the ordering of when colours appear in the default e61 palette.
Bug fixes
  • Fix a weird edge case with y-axis breaks relating to the oddities of floating point maths.
  • theme61 would blow up uninformatively if you tried to supply graph data containing NA or NaN. Now catches this.
  • Removed the dplyr dependency.

theme61 0.6.1

09 Nov 2023

  • Graphs will automatically appear in the Viewer pane when you save them with save_e61().
  • For users of base maps, there is now a new function setup_stadia_maps() to help you register an API key with Stadia Maps.
  • Fixed changes to base maps that meant e61_map() no longer worked and renamed the function to add_map_e61().
  • as.factor no longer breaks variable detection in scale_colour_e61().
  • Fixed various issues with y-axis labels and scales.
  • Workaround for a 401 Authentication error when loading the package.

theme61 0.6.0

06 Nov 2023

Automatic graph sizing, and y-axis, colour and fill scaling

This is a major breaking change. Your code will be simpler but may need some changes to work.

Most of these improvements are applied when you save graphs using save_e61(), so will not show up in the preview.

  • Graphs now automatically size themselves correctly. You no longer need to figure out the appropriate graph height.
  • Titles, subtitles and footnotes will automatically scale to fit the panel width.
  • Y-axis will automatically set limits and breaks to aesthetic defaults. You can override this by providing your own limits using scale_y_continuous_e61().
  • Colour/fill will automatically apply the e61 Institute colour palette. This works if you define a fill/colour variable in your main ggplot call (e.g. ggplot(data, aes(x, y, fill = fill))). You no longer need to specify the number of colours when using scale_colour/fill_e61().
  • Added different default graph dimensions for micro notes, research notes and PowerPoint presentations.

These features are implemented directly in theme61::ggplot(). This masks the ggplot() function in ggplot2 so if you wish to call the original function you need to specify the namespace like so ggplot2::ggplot(). Make sure you load theme61 after ggplot2 otherwise the correct functions will not be called.

Other changes
  • All functionality in mplot_label() has been combined into plot_label(). mplot_label() is now deprecated and users need to rename all instances of mplot_label() to plot_label().
  • mpanel_e61() has been retired as functionality has been incorporated directly into save_e61().
  • Added console messages to help correct common graphing mistakes.
  • Changed default font of graphs to ‘PT Sans’ to be consistent with research note font.
  • Allow rotation of labels in plot_label().
  • Renamed add_zeroline() to add_baseline(), and e61_palette() to palette_e61().
Bug fixes and documentation updates
  • Fixed an issue where saving graphs with no title created whitespace above the plot.
  • Documentation and vignettes rewritten to reflect new workflow.

theme61 0.5.0

26 May 2023

New functions
  • Added new functions set_open_graph() and unset_open_graph() which toggle an option to automatically open a graph that has been created with save_e61(). Helpful for your workflow when perfecting graphs.
New/changed functionality
  • Add ability to save graphs in multiple formats at once using the new format argument in save_e61().
  • Add support in save_e61() for saving images in PDF format for compatibility with LaTeX.
  • Change the default alignment of plot labels to left-align and added a new argument hjust to plot_label()/mplot_label() to change the alignment.
  • Added the ability to add a white box around text in plot_label()/mplot_label() through geom argument.
  • Added y argument to add_zeroline() so you can put your zero line at values other than zero.
  • Added argument to scale_x_continuous_e61() to add back the first/last labels that are removed by default.
  • Slightly increased default size of plot labels to match size of axis text.
  • save_e61() now notifies you if you forget to use the theme and scale functions.
Bug fixes
  • Permanent fix to the bug that was temporarily bodged in v0.4.1. Now dates can be entered as strings in plot_label() and they will be converted to dates.
  • Fixed a bug in scale_y_continuous_e61() that made y_top stop working and also refactored the code.
  • Fixed a bug in mplot_label() that didn’t allow a vector of colours to be supplied.
Documentation updates
  • Added a new Graph standards vignette based on masterclass materials.
  • Added more documentation explaining how rel_heights in mpanel_e61() works.
  • Miscellaneous minor documentation improvements.

theme61 0.4.1

08 May 2023

  • Fixing a bug in plot_label() caused by a change to how dates work in R 4.3.0. Unfortunately this means that if you are using dates to specify x-axis locations for your label, you will now have to surround them in as.Date() rather than just putting in the plain string.

theme61 0.4.0

21 Apr 2023

  • Add the ability to make multi-panel graphs via mpanel_e61() (referring to combining multiple discrete graphs into a single panel, not faceted graphs).
  • Add dual y-axis support allowing for graphs with secondary y-axes with different scales to be created.
  • Add experimental automatic graph height calculation in save_e61(), which should reduce the need for users to manually specify height when saving graphs.
  • Add argument to save_e61() to allow you to save the data used to produce the graph as a csv.
  • Correct whitespace margins around graphs.
  • Improvements to various documentation.

theme61 0.3.1

15 Mar 2023

  • Refactored mplot_label() to use plot_label() as the underlying function rather than a data.frame and geom_text(). This fixed two bugs where the function throws an error if colour is an aesthetic in ggplot() aes and the x argument was not automatically converting dates.
  • Changed the colour palette so the third colour is now dark blue rather than grey.

theme61 0.3.0

09 Mar 2023

  • Add new function format_flip_bar_charts() that applies most of the formatting needed to make horizontal bar graphs pretty.
  • Add new functions plot_label() and mplot_label() that make it easier to add on-graph plot labels. mplot_label() is the vectorised version that lets you do multiple labels in one function.
  • Add new function add_zeroline() to add an appropriately formatted black line along the zero y-axis.
  • New functionality in scale_y_continuous_e61() to specify break intervals directly in the limits argument.
  • New vignette explaining how and why to use on-graph labelling over legends.
  • Add new messages and information to save_e61() to try and explain why users need to set their own dimensions to get good graph aesthetics.
  • Add argument to turn off text wrapping in labs_e61().
  • Add argument to change the aspect ratio in theme_e61().
  • Change default dimension behaviour in save_e61() to make graphs look sensible at 8.5 cm widths (corresponds to half width of a Word document).
  • Change base_size of graph text so the font size is readable at 8.5 cm widths.
  • Remove y_title_top_e61() and incorporate functionality directly into theme_e61() as the default. Users can choose to disable this behaviour with the y_top = FALSE argument.
  • Update the Getting Started vignette to showcase new functionality.
  • Fix issue with labels argument in scale_colour/fill_e61() not working.
  • Other minor improvements to functions, messages and documentation.

theme61 0.2.1

20 Dec 2022

  • Minor adjustments to title/footnote font size and default max character width to account for new fixed aspect ratio.

theme61 0.2.0

14 Dec 2022

  • Adds a base map function e61_map() with sensible defaults for mapping.
  • Improvements to the automatic discrete colour palette selection.
  • Changes to the theme to fix graphs at a 0.75 aspect ratio.
  • Added an alternate minimal theme called theme_e61_clean().
  • New add-in that creates charts based on esquisse.
  • Updated save_e61() to allow you to save plots other than the most recently generated one.
  • Many functions have been renamed to more closely align with existing ggplot2 function names, with _e61 appended to them, for example e61_colour_manual now becomes scale_colour_e61. The old functions have now been deprecated and will be made defunct in future versions. Please stop using them and use the new functions instead.

theme61 0.1.0

13 May 2022

This is the first functional release of theme61 containing everything you need to make a graph in the e61 style.

  • This includes ggplot functions that customise the theme, axes and other graph elements.
  • Implements the e61 Institute colour palette in scale_colour/fill_* function and provides the colour names as data files for manual access as required.
  • Save functions to ensure that default graphs have the appropriate sizing and dimensions.