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Saves ggplot2 graphs made with using theme61. Using save_e61() is required to ensure graphs are consistent with the e61 style and formatting.


  plot = last_plot(),
  format = c("svg", "pdf", "eps", "png"),
  chart_type = c("MN", "RN", "PPT"),
  auto_scale = TRUE,
  dim = list(height = NULL, width = NULL),
  pad_width = 0,
  max_height = NULL,
  save_data = FALSE,
  print_info = FALSE,
  base_size = 10,
  res = 1,
  bg_colour = "white",
  plotlist = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footnotes = NULL,
  sources = NULL,
  spacing_adj = list(title = 1, subtitle = 1),
  height_adj = NULL,
  ncol = 2,
  nrow = NULL,
  align = c("v", "none", "h", "hv"),
  axis = c("none", "l", "r", "t", "b", "lr", "tb", "tblr"),
  rel_heights = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL



File name to create on disk. Providing the file format extension (e.g. .svg) is suggested when saving to a single file format. The file extension must be lowercase. If you want to save to multiple formats, do not include the extension, see the format argument for details.


(multi-panel specific) Plot objects to put on the panel.


(single-panel specific) Name of the plot object to save. Defaults to the last plot displayed so usually you do not need to provide this argument explicitly.


An optional vector of file formats to save as. For example c("svg", "pdf") will save 2 files with the same name to the same location to SVG and PDF formats. If the file format is specified in filename, then this argument is ignored.


String. Type of chart. This is used to set sensible chart widths based on the width of text in each document. Options are "MN" (for micronotes), "RN" (research notes) or "PPT" (PowerPoints).


Logical. Should the y-axis be scaled automatically. Default is TRUE.


An optional named list specifying the plot height and width. Defaults to NULL which means the graph dimensions will be set based on the chart type and function-calculated value.


Add optional argument which adds padding to the width of a chart. The default is 0 cm.


Numeric. The maximum height of your plot in cm. This is used to constrain the plot resizing algorithm in cases where you want to limit the height of your charts.


Logical. Set to TRUE if you want to save a .csv with the same name as the graph that contains the data needed to recreate the graph (defaults to FALSE).


Logical. Set to TRUE if you want graph dimensions and other information printed to the console (defaults to FALSE).


Numeric. Chart font size. Default is 10.


Numeric. For saving to PNG only. Increase the size of the saved PNG. E.g. res = 2 doubles the size of the saved graph.


Sets the graph background colour. Defaults to "white". Accepts a colour name, hex code or theme61 colour object name. For graphs used in research note boxes, set the colour to e61_boxback.


(multi-panel specific) List of plots to combine as an multi-panel and save. You can also enter the charts individually as arguments to the function.


The text for the title.


The text for the subtitle.


A vector of footnote text strings. Each new string will be prepended with *, **, ***, etc. Note you'll need to include the asterisks in the title/subtitle yourself. Please be sensible with the number of separate points you include in the graph.


String vector providing the names of sources for the graph.


(multi-panel specific) An optional named list specifying the adjustment to the title and subtitle. Rescales the size of the space give to the multi-panel title/subtitle. Use if you think the title looks too cramped on the chart.


(multi-panel specific) Rescales the height of the multi-panel. The function sets sensible defaults but this provides you with manual control if you need it.


(optional) Number of columns in the plot grid.


(optional) Number of rows in the plot grid.


(optional) Specifies whether graphs in the grid should be horizontally ("h") or vertically ("v") aligned. Options are "none" (default), "hv" (align in both directions), "h", and "v".


(optional) Specifies whether graphs should be aligned by the left ("l"), right ("r"), top ("t"), or bottom ("b") margins. Options are "none" (default), or a string of any combination of l, r, t, and b in any order (e.g. "tblr" or "rlbt" for aligning all margins). Must be specified if any of the graphs are complex (e.g. faceted) and alignment is specified and desired. See align_plots() for details.


(multi-panel specific) A numeric vector giving the relative proportions of each graph component (title, plots, footer (optional)).

width, height

[Deprecated] width and height are no longer supported; use dim instead.


Invisibly returns the file name.


The supported file formats are SVG, PDF, EPS and PNG.

Use PDF in all notes and SVG in PowerPoint presentations. PDFs and SVGs are better as they are modern vector graphics file formats which can be scaled up and down in size without blurring or becoming pixelated. PNG should only be used for Twitter posts for compatibility reasons.