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Adds a thin black line (by default at y = 0). This is useful shorthand for when you would otherwise have to use geom_hline, which by default adds a black line that is too thick.


add_baseline(y = 0, colour = "black", linewidth = 0.25)



Numeric. The y-intercept of the line. Defaults to 0. You can set it to 100 if you have an index on your y-axis, for example. Or any other value if you're feeling chaotic.


String. The line is black by default but you can change it if you need another colour.


Numeric. Set the thickness of the line. Default (0.25) should be appropriate for default graph scaling.


ggplot object


Some examples of when you want a baseline include whenever the y-axis on your graph includes 0 (for units and percentages) or 100 (for indices that start at 100).